Saturday, December 24, 2011

Understanding The Signs And Symptoms Of Depression

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It’s just natural to feel down sometimes, but when that feeling lingers day after day, it could signal depression. Depression is feeling sad or having episodes of apathy that lasts for 2 consecutive weeks. It may be severe enough to interrupt your daily activities, but it’s not a sign of weakness or having a negative personality, it is a health problem, a medical condition that can be treated.


1.    Emotional

Having a sad mood and even loss of interest in life. Patients may feel a lack of hope, a sense of worthlessness or guilt, and even recurring thoughts of death or suicide.

2.    Physical

·         Insomnia
·         Early-morning waking
·         Fatigue
·         Decreased energy
·         Excessive sleep
·         Headaches
·         Cramps
·         Persistent aches or pains
·         Digestive problems
If you have chronic pain depression can make it worse.

3.    Appetite

Some patients may experience loss of appetite, while other will have the opposite. Changes in weight or appetite are clear symptoms or depression. Patients may experience severe weight gain or weight loss... Read more form: Understanding The Signs And Symptoms Of Depression

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