Friday, December 30, 2011

Facts About Adult Vaccines

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Vaccines are preparations intended to strengthen immunity. We are familiar with kids taking their vaccine shots, but adults too have to be familiar with the different types of vaccines for them.

Tetanus Vaccine
This is not just for kids. When you have wound bacteria that cause tetanus can enter it. This may lead to stiffness, muscle spasms, and lockjaw.  A one-time vaccine booster every 10 years is what you need to prevent this.

Vaccine for Chickenpox

Adults with chickenpox have a greater risk for complications that leads to hospitalization and sometimes death. Two doses of chicken pox vaccine is given 4 to 8 weeks apart to people 13 years old and older. This vaccine also offers protection against shingles.

Shingles Vaccine

Shingles is that same virus that gave you chicken pox when you’re a child. It can strike again as herpes zoster when you’re an adult. This is common for people after the age of 60. It can be painful and the blistering rash can damage the nerves of the eyes and cause long-term pain. When you reach 60, a one-dose vaccine is recommended to prevent this... Read more from: Facts About Adult Vaccines

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