Friday, December 30, 2011

Facts About Osteoporosis

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Osteoporosis is the disease of the bones that leads to fracture. If you are looking for the things that cause it you’ll be surprised to know that there are many factors that contribute to this condition.

Decreased estrogen during menopause is one of the factors that cause osteoporosis. It can also be genetic. Other things that add to this are smoking, getting little exercise, and eating a diet that’s low in calcium.

We all know how important it is for women to get enough calcium because they are the ones who are prone to this type of bone disease. For most of them, the total amount of bone peaks is around the age of 25 to 30, but after that the tide turns. At the age of 35 women’s bone density starts to go down.

After menopause, in 5 to 10 years the breakdown of bone occurs at a faster pace than the building of new one. This process causes osteoporosis. During time it is important to undergo a bone density test to find out how strong the bones are... Read more from: Facts About Osteoporosis

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