Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Surprising Facts About Honey

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In ancient Egypt honey is used as an offering to their gods, a dressing for wounds, and an embalming fluid. It has a long medicinal history.

Today, holistic practitioners consider it one of the best all-around remedies because of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Honey’s health benefits are proven in the area of wound care and cough suppression.

Let’s get to know the important facts and warnings from honey.

Never Give Honey To An Infant

Pediatricians strongly caution against feeding honey to children under 1 year old because of the risk of botulism. Babies do not have a developed immune system to defend themselves against infection.

Honey can give infants botulism. The spores of botulism bacteria are found in dust and soil that make their way into honey. Botulism is a paralytic disorder and the infant must be given anti-toxins and would be placed in a respirator. But with adults, eating honey is completely harmless because adults have fully developed gastrointestinal tract and developed immune system to defend against infection.
Antibacterial Honey?
Honey, in the laboratory has been shown to hamper the growth of food-borne pathogens such as salmonella and E. coli. It’s also known to fight certain bacteria including Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus, both of which are common in doctors’ offices and hospitals, but if it does the same in people, well it hasn’t been proven yet.
Honey comes in different varieties. It depends on the nectar gathered, and the floral source of pollen. When shopping for honey you’ll see that there is lighter and darker variety. The darker ones have better antibacterial and antioxidant power.
Manuka honey is from the nectar of Leptospermum scoparium in New Zealand. It’s the basis of Medihoney which is used in treating wounds and skin ulcers, but never use it for burns because it can cause pain.
Medihoney is purified with ultraviolet light that’s why its antibacterial action is better preserved than those honey purified with heat. It’s the pH content of Manuka honey that helps in the healing process... Read more from: SurprisingFacts About Honey

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