Sunday, January 8, 2012

Myths And Facts About Hangover

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The experience of unpleasant physiological effects such as thirst, diarrhea, nausea, headache, lethargy, dysphoria, noise, and sensitivity to light are the common characteristics of a hangover.

There are many myths and supposed cures for hangover. Let’s get to know what really works.

Myth: Hangovers Are No Big Deal

Fact: It’s the body’s natural reaction when poisoned with too much alcohol. Heavy drinking affects the central nervous system which triggers brain chemicals that sends you running to the bathroom because of nausea, dizziness and headache. In the morning, the after effects include a queasy stomach, cotton mouth, fatigue and pounding headache that weaken the immune system.

Myth: Hangovers Are Gender-Blind

Fact: Women are more likely to experience the effects of alcohol than men. If women would consume the same amount of alcohol as that with men, it will build up in their bloodstream. But with men, they have a higher percentage of water in their bodies, and this helps dilute the alcohol they consume that’s why women experience hangovers more often than men.

Myth: Only Bingers Get Hangovers

Fact: Binge drinking would surely leave you with a hangover so, drink any non-alcoholic drink or water between each beer or hard drink to dilute the amount of alcohol in your system and to keep it hydrated... Read more from: Myths And Facts About Hangover

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