Monday, July 4, 2011

Worst Beverages for Weight Loss

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When you are on a weight loss diet you need to eat the right foods. Counting calories is a proven way to keep your food intake under control but it has one big problem. If you don’t know how many calories are in the food you are about to eat, how do you keep count of it? 

Sometimes it’s not the food you eat that pushes you over your calorie count for the day, but rather the beverages you drink throughout the course of the day. In fact, it’s very possible to stay 100% on track with your healthy eating plan and still consume a few hundred extra calories just from the beverages you drink. So you also need to watch what popular beverages you drink as they can ruin your diet.

So which drinks are spoilers on the path to weight loss?... Read more from: Worst Beverages for Weight Loss

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