Monday, June 13, 2011

Facts About Eye Allergies

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Eye allergies are usually associated with other allergic conditions like hay fever (allergic rhinitis) and atopic eczema (dermatitis). The causes are similar to those of allergic asthma and hay fever. Medications and cosmetics can play a significant role in causing eye allergies.
Symptoms include redness in the white of the eye or the inner eyelid.

Other signs:

• itchy eyes
• tearing
• blurred vision
• burning sensation
• eyelid swelling, and
• sensitivity to light

Eye allergies can occur alone or with nasal allergies and the allergic skin condition eczema. The only way to know for sure if it’s eye allergies is to see your doctor. This usually happen when your eyes are exposed to the offending allergen for example pet dander or pollen. Cells in your eyes called mast cells release histamine and other chemicals, causing inflammation,and the result is red, itchy, and watery allergic eyes... Read more from: Facts About Eye Allergies

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